How To Remove Pimple Marks Fast in 5 Steps for Perfect Skin

by Acne & Blemishes

How To Remove Pimple Marks Fast


If you’re like me, you’ve tried to get rid of pimples yourself by squeezing or doing some DIY skincare, and it always ended with leaving some dark spots or acne scars.


It is confidence-diminishing and affects your mood with even tiny things you do in your daily life.

You don’t feel as beautiful, and that mere fact makes your life less bright.


Dark spots, dark life.

You might’ve spent so much time searching ‘how to remove pimple marks fast’ only to feel more confused.


Good news is that there’s a faster way to get rid of dark/acne spots!


Recently, I was in touch with a San Francisco based holistic skincare company called PROVEN, and I learned how to treat pimples effectively.


This is how you remove acne marks step by step. Let’s dive in 😉!


How To Get Rid of Dark Spots & Acne Scars From Pimples


removing pimples fast


Here are the Simple 5 Steps!


1. Be Gentle on Dark Spots


When the spot is healing, it may appear red, but that is a sign that the skin is healing. At this stage, your skin is still inflamed and irritated from the pimple, so you have to be very gentle with it.

Don’t just yet start applying any anti-acne skincare products. Let alone exfoliating.

Wait until the inflammation has calmed down.



2. Introduce Vitamin C Once the Pimple Has Healed


Once the acne is completely healed, you can start treating it to accelerate the recovery.

Vitamin C will do very well with this.

【J-Beauty – Vitamin C serum for acne spots】


I’m Japanese and personally suffered from acne spots in the past, A LOT.

I’ve tried so many lotions, serums and even supplements. It’s almost ridiculous how much I spent on these things looking back!

From my experience, this Vitamin C-packed serum (J-Beauty) is the BEST for this step. It works like a charm, honestly.



3. Use a Retinol for Brightening the Acne Spots


To help speed up the skin regeneration process, try to find a serum or cream that has some retinol.

Retinol can increase the rate of skin turnover, which in turn helps the dark spots to fade more quickly.

【La Roche-Posay – Redermic R Retinol Serum

I recommend using gentle ones like REDERMIC R RETINOL CREAM or SERUM from La Roche Posay (oh yes! I secretly love French pharmacy brands).



4. Exfoliate the Dark Spots


When it’s healed, you can use an exfoliator once a week to help the skin regenerate. Use a gentle one like this cult J-Beauty exfoliator called Cure Natural Aqua Gel.

【Cure – Natural Aqua Gel exfoliator

This exfoliator is by far the MOST gentle exfoliator I’ve come across in my long 25 years of skincare journey (since 13!)  — highly recommended!



5. Protect the Dark Spots and Acne Marks from the Sun


This is most important when treating acne spots. And it’s the most effective way to help cure and prevent dark spots.

I recommend this broad-spectrum sunscreen below 👇- recommended by dermatologists.

EltaMD Sunscreen for Sensitive, Acne-Prone Skin, Oil Free】

Sun exposure can promote melanin production and darkens the skin (this is how you get tanned).

To not waste, all your efforts on acne treatment, make sure you wear sunscreen every day even if it’s cloudy or raining.


Voila! It’s simple.

Follow these five steps to get rid of acne marks FAST as humanly as possible.

(In case you’re curious, this is the original article where I learned the method on Proven Skincare.)


Now, let’s move onto how to keep you away from acne, so you don’t have to suffer from dark spots anymore.


How To Prevent Acne and Get Clear Skin


healthy diet clearn skin pimple prevention


To prevent getting pimples in the first place, you need to get a few things right – your diet and skincare routine.


Diet is more important than skincare.

What you put in your body makes your body, including the skin. If you are eating poorly, your skin will never become healthy, and no skincare works.

First, get your diet right!


What To Eat for Clear Skin & Fewer Pimples


✅ Introduce more of the below:

  • vitamin C (green & yellow vegetables)
  • vitamin B (nuts, tuna, eggs, chicken thighs)
  • vitamin E (nuts, eels, soya products)
  • vitamin A (seaweed, eel, green & yellow vegetables)
  • zinc (root vegetables)

❌ Avoid or at least cut down on:

  • soft drinks
  • alcohol
  • fried food
  • processed food
  • ready meals
  • sugary foods

Review your diet carefully and watch what you eat.

Nourish yourself ;).


Simple Skincare Routine To Prevent Acne


Once you get your eating habits right, stick to a simple skincare routine to keep your natural beauty.

You may feel like getting new anti-acne lotion, serum or cream but the key is to keep it simple.

Your skin has already the power to heal naturally.


Do everything very gently.

Treat your skin like baby’s skin when touching it.

  • remove makeup well
  • no over washing face
  • apply a face lotion or toner
  • moisturise well
  • wear sunscreen every day

By keeping your skincare simple, you can bring up your skin’s natural ability to heal.




how to remove acne scars fast


Ultimately, pimples are telling you that something in your life needs attention.

It may be your diet.

It may be sleep patterns.

It could be your skincare products or your cleansing methods.

In any case, it is a sign of stress.


Sometimes, pimples appear. That’s life. When that happens, follow the simple 5 steps 😉.

  1. Be gentle on dark spots
  2. Introduce Vitamin C once the pimple has healed
  3. Use retinol for brightening the acne spots
  4. Exfoliate the dark spots use
  5. Protect the dark spots and acne marks from the Sun


Above all else, listen to your body more. Check your skin’s condition more closely.

Respect the unique needs of your body, mind and skin.

Be gentle. Pimples will leave you alone soon ✨.

About the author

Nana is a Japanese model-turned-entrepreneur and the founder of this blog. She was born and raised in Japan and currently lives in Switzerland. She started her skincare journey at the age of 13 when her mother introduced her ritual to her. Now 39, her love of skincare (Japanese way of course!) is bigger than ever before. She's here to share her decades of experience in the world of Japanese skincare to help all women from around the globe live happily with beautiful skin.

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